Who needs dmenu when you have st?

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I'm one of those individuals who like to customize Linux desktops. One mainstay of these types of setups is a good program launcher. dmenu and rofi are favorites among most individuals. However, what's annoying to me is that these two programs are essentially just fzy but for Xorg instead of the tty. Surely we could just Unix Philosophy™ our way out of this one?

Yes we can.

Okay, so we have a terminal emulator and a terminal dmenu clone as our building blocks. I'm using st and fzy, respectively.

Surely this would work?

$ st -e fzy

Oh right, fzy accepts input on standard in, so that won't work. We need some way to smuggle that standard in into fzy.

We could try writing the input to fzy into a file, then passing it in:

$ temp=$(mktemp)
$ echo $temp
$ cat <<EOF > temp
$ st -e sh -c "fzy < $temp"

Now, we get a terminal that pops up with various choices, and we can use the trditional fzy controls to handle it. But we still need fzy's output back -- it's going to standard out which is then immediately closed (because sh, the process in st, terminates as soon as it finishes running commands in -c).

Let's try writing to another file.

$ st -e sh -c "fzy < $temp > /tmp/really_special_output_file"
$ cat /tmp/really_special_output_file
my choice

Nice; we now have a somewhat working dmenu replacement with just a terminal emulator and fzy.

You can polish this up and make it into a series of shell scripts. I've already done that here, in tmenu, tmenu-backend, and tmenu_run.

If you're running bspwm, you can add a rule like so:

bspc rule -a tmenu-prompt border=on sticky=on state=floating

This makes the window float. Now, you just call st like so:

st -c tmenu-prompt -e <...>

And we get a centered result:


From the lemonbar Arch Wiki page:

lemonbar prints no information on its own. To get any text into lemonbar you need to pipe text into it.

Sounds an awful lot like a terminal, right?

This one's easier though -- we just have a specially arranged terminal at the top of the desktop running our program. But how do we put it up there?

Define a bspwm rule:

bspc rule -a statusbar border=off sticky=on state=floating manage=off

(That manage=off part makes bspwm not resize the window at all.)

Now, you need to figure out where the statusbar goes, and then start the statusbars where they need to go. Here's some Python to do that: (statusbar is the statusbar program executed in st)

xrandr = subprocess.Popen(['xrandr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = list(xrandr.stdout)
output = [i.decode("utf-8") for i in output if " connected" in i.decode("utf-8")]
serialized = []
for i in output:
    splitted = i.split(' ')
    displayname = splitted[0]
    geometry = splitted[2]
    if geometry == "primary":
        geometry = splitted[3]

        geometry_splitted = [int(i) for i in geometry.replace('x', '+').split('+')]
    except ValueError:
    geometry_splitted[1] = 20
    print(displayname, geometry_splitted)
    os.system("st -c statusbar -p -g {}x{}+{}+{} -e statusbar {} & disown".format(
        *map(str, geometry_splitted),

The above does depend on you having a 'pixel-perfect' st patch such as anysize. I wrote my own, and it's enabled by using -p.