Mobility scooters and gitea

I found something interesting on my Gitea instance today. Apparently someone managed to create an account on my instance; this makes no sense because my instance doesn't accept registrations.

At first, I thought this was an intrusion of some sort, so I downloaded the logs from the server and copied them to my machine for analysis. I wasn't sure how this person was able to find a vulnerability in Gitea because this was their profile page:


I don't think selling mobility scooters is in the target niche for joining a Gitea instance, but that's just my two cents.

In regards to the closed registration, I actually just disabled the sign up button, not the registration. For those of you using NixOS, here's the diff:

services.gitea = {
  enable = true;
  appName = ""; # Give the site a name
  database = {
    type = "postgres";
    passwordFile = "/etc/gittea-pass"; 
  }; = true;
  settings.service = {
  settings.ui.DEFAULT_THEME = "arc-green";
  settings.api.ENABLE_SWAGGER = false;
  settings.server = {
    DOMAIN = "";
    ROOT_URL = "";
    LANDING_PAGE = "explore";
    HTTP_PORT = 3001;

That's it.